La Herencia® Pollo Asado Mole

ingredients for Pollo Asado Mole

  • 1 package La Herencia® Pollo Asado

  • Olive oil

  • 1 can of mole

  • 1 cup steamed vegetable mix

  • ½ cup queso fresco

  • Pinch of ajonjolí

  • Batch of tortilla chips

Instructions for Pollo Asado Mole

Preheat grill to mediumhigh heat, add olive oil to avoid sticking. Cook product for 6 minutes covered, flip, and continue to cook for 5 additional minutes covered or until internal temperature of 165°F is reached on instant read thermometer.

Once La Herencia® Pollo Asado is cooked, add mole sauce and reduce heat to low until simmer.

Remove Pollo Asado from heat, and plate with steamed vegetables, topped with queso fresco,

ajonjolí and batch of tortilla chips.